Brilliant Solutions

Dudley BS Update

The Dudley mortgage range is available via our fees free specialist mortgage packager team or via our direct to lender mortgage club.  Their latest product information is available here and their criteria details are available here (but is password protected so contact us or Dudley for further details). 

Lender announcement

We’ve introduced a First Homes product to our range

We’ve launched a brand new mortgage product to support the First Homes Scheme.

With house price growth outstripping incomes and with first-time buyers representing around 50% of all mortgages, there is a growing demand for the scheme.

The First Homes scheme is a government initiative that will enable local first-time buyers and key workers across England to purchase a new-build home, at a minimum discount of 30% against the market value. The scheme involves the building of new homes specifically to be sold at a discount, and these properties must be purchased by first-time buyers.

The First Homes Scheme aligns with the Society’s commitment to helping your clients who may be struggling to obtain a mortgage to buy their first home. More information about the scheme can be found here.

The product we’ve launched is a Five Year Fixed Rate product with a rate of 2.99%. The LTV of the product is 90% of the discounted price, with a maximum loan size of £225k for everywhere except London, where the maximum loan size is £378k.

2.99% Five
Year Fixed
First Homes
101122.29%90% of the
(£378K in
3% of the current
balance for the first two
years and 1% for the
remaining three years

Click here for full product information.

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