Here is the latest update from Pepper Money. You can access Pepper Money products through our direct to lender mortgage club and get the benefits of payment on completion. You can also use our Fees Free Mortgage Packager.
Improvements to Capturing Expenditure Details (Small Change)
We have made an improvement to the expenditure page on SWAN which prompts the user to enter an explanation for any amendments made to any of the expenditure fields during the journey. This saves the explanation being captured manually at a later stage and avoids this detail being missed.
SWAN changes
We will be launching the mandatory capture field in SWAN as shown below, and the change will take affect from Tuesday the 3rd of October.
Expenditure Page/Fields

We have made some HUGE changes within the last week.
We have had a complete overhaul of our free legals, they are back and better than ever before.
- We have continued our successful relationship with Optimus as our legal panel manager.
- Reviewed our small panel of solicitors.
- Agreed to strict service standards to ensure the service you receive post offer is the same standard you get from Pepper Money Pre offer.
- AND paying off the debts whilst consolidating is completely FREE!
We have lowered our rates up to 2% on some of our ranges and we can now accept any defaults within 6 months as long as it is not on a loan/hp/any fixed term credit. We won’t be able to complete until 6 months has lapsed but you can now submit the cases earlier which is better for you and your customers.